Our Offerings

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Individual Coaching

Looking for your next chapter? Live the life you’ve always wanted with our  individual or group coaching services. We work together to determine your goals, and create a personalized strategy to achieve  both your personal and professional goals.  No matter what you are looking to do, we provide an authentic and bespoke coaching or consulting experience.

Leadership Development

Job/Career Development

  • Understand Your Leadership Strengths and Style.
  • Learn How to Recruit a Team to Supplement Your Strengths.
  • Identify What to Delegate and What to Hold.
  • Getting Training/Certified
  • You’re Already a Master at Many Things; What Do You Avoid?
  • How to Take Your Skills and Business to the Next Level
  • Long Term Vision and Planning – How to Schedule Time to Envision Your Future When Everything’s on Fire Now
  • Transition Assistance: Building Networks and Resilience
  • Finding Joy and Inspiration
  • Alignment of Work with Your Values
  • Productivity to Profit Strategy
  • Optimizing Your Time
  • Doing More by Doing Less
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Group Coaching: Mastermind

Are you an executive team leader or entrepreneur who could benefit from the experience of your  peers? Would you like “ “To confer, converse, and  otherwise hob-nob with my fellow wizards.”, like the Wizard of Oz?  Many of the benefits of individual coaching are combined into the synergy of a peer group to creatively address mutual challenges. This Mastermind group may explore topics such as:

  • Making Time for Strategic Planning 
  • Taking Your Business to the Next Level – Delegating, Admin Support, Creating Systems,  Getting Financing, Scaling Up 
  • Motivating Your Team and Yourself 
  • Preventing Burnout and Stagnation 
    • Incorporating Your Values Into Your Business: Diversity, Inclusion, Sustainability, Staff Professional Development and Retention; Employee Support and Benefits; Continued Skill Building 
    • Recruiting and Mentoring New Talent– the Next Generation 
    • Innovation
    • Recharging 
    Business Consulting
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    Consulting & Training

    Looking to launch, build or scale your business? We can help! Build a business from the  ground up or take your current business to the next level. Investing in your business brings  proven results.

    Our broad experience makes for an ideal partner for your emerging or existing business or to  support a stand-alone new product launch or special project. From business plans to financial  analysis, our team provides accurate, timely, values-based solutions. Services include:

    • Strategic Planning 
    • Business Plan Development 
    • Market Planning 
    • Budget, Financial Forecasting and Analysis 
    • Data Management and Analysis 
    • Corporate Retreat and Event Planning
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    Gryphon Fletcher offers a portfolio of workshops designed to optimize your job performance through knowledge expansion. We create bespoke courses based on your organization’s specific needs. Recently developed courses include: Diversity, Equality and Inclusion for all and Corporate Social Responsibility. Please contact us directly for additional information. 

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    GF partners with experts in the field to bring the most current trends, opportunities and guidance through its training programs. Portfolio courses include: 

    • Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Strategy and Governance with Cinderella to CEO founder, Cary Broussard
    • Diversity, Equality and Inclusion with Cinderella to CEO founder, Cary Broussard
    • Productivity Tools and Strategies: Full Focus Certified Pro [insert logo]
    • Successful Financial Management for the Solopreneur 
    • Creating Viable and Dynamic Business Models
    • Key Performance Indicators as Early Warning Systems and Management Decision Tools
    • Developing Affiliations for Success
    • Business Etiquette for the 21st Century 

    Please contact us to talk about your specific needs.